I rarely talk about supplements in isolation, but magnesium is one nutrient that the majority of people are deficient in.  This can be caused by a lack of magnesium rich food, but most likely it is due to the stress that is put on our systems.  Some foods that are magnesium rich include kelp, almonds, cashews and green leafy vegetables.  Some indications that you may be deficient in magnesium according to the web site, www.drhyman.com, include the following:
  • I am tired often
  • I have trouble falling asleep or have insomnia.
  • I am sensitive to loud noises
  • I have fewer than two bowel movements a day
  • I have asthma
  • I experience muscle twitching
  • I experience leg or hand cramps.
  • I frequently experience headaches or migraines.
  • I have PMS most months
  • I have restless leg syndrome
  • I frequently feel irritable
  • I have depression and/or anxiety
  • I have acid reflux
  • I have a lot of stress in my life
  • I have ADD or autism
  • I experience heart flutters, skipped beats, or palpitations.
There is more to this list, but this just gives an indication of how many functions of our bodies are affected by this one mineral.  If you find that you experience numerous symptoms listed above, it might be worth speaking to your health practitioner to see if supplementing with magnesium may be beneficial.  Have a great day!  Shanna

Total Renewal by Frank Lipman, M.D.

The majority of the maladies that we experience can be traced to an unhealthy gut.  Not only does the gut digest food, but it also plays a major role in our immune and nervous systems.  Have you ever been stressed and felt the stress in your gut - upset stomach, loss of appetite, diarrhea?  Keeping the gut healthy can go a long way in maintaining overall health.  The gut is also important for detoxification.  We are exposed to more and more toxins each day, and this puts a lot of stress on our gut.  Dr. Lipman uses a program developed by Jeffrey Bland to promote intestinal health - the plan is as follows:
  • Remove:  Toxins in food, gastric irritants (such as caffeine, alcohol, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), food allergens and sensitivities, and chronic low-grade infections in the gut (yeast and parasites)
  • Replace:  Stomach acid and digestive enzymes
  • Reinoculate:  Restore beneficial bacteria to reestablish a healthy balance of microflora in the gut (this can be done by taking a probiotic (friendly bacteria)).
  • Regenerate:  Provide nutrients to heal the gut wall or lining (glutamine) and support the immune functioning of the gut. 
Once the gut is working efficiently, food is absorbed better, fatigue is diminished, and there are other benefits such as less illness and mental health concerns.  Have a great day - Shanna