I apologize for not following up with neurotransmitters.  I returned the book to the library, so I will continue with that topic at another time.  I have been scanning through a book called the "100 Best Ways to Stop Aging and Stay Young" by Julia Maranan.  The topic that caught my attention was the immune system. I think this is an area that we neglect as we age.  Many times, the only preventative action that is taken to stay healthy is to get a flu shot, rather than focusing on avoiding illness through strengthening the immune system.  Following is a list of ideas from the author on how to keep your immune system strong:
  • Do not hold a grudge
  • Do things that you enjoy - this will help reduce stress
  • Listen to music
  • Get enough sleep
  • Use the power of touch for lifelong immunity
  • Think positively
  • Exercise in moderation
  • Eat immune boosting foods - colorful fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, garlic, nuts, and green tea are all beneficial foods.
  • Take supplements to boost the immune system
  • Improve the air quality in your environment
The stronger our immune systems, the more likely we are to fight off both acute and chronic illnesses.  If you find that you pick up every virus or infection that is going around, you may want to focus more attention on your immune system.  Have a great day - Shanna

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